Monday, September 8, 2008

Introduction of a first-time blogger.

As an aspiring author I have often had this question posed to me. "How come you don't write a blog?" To be totally honest with you I didn't have a clue about blogging. I had never read one nor did I know anyone that had written a blog. So of course my answer was pretty consistent. I said, "I've never given it any thought."

However the more the question was presented to me the more thought I began to give to looking into blogging. And look I did. I googled and read page after page about blogging, blogging websites, the pros and the cons of writing a blog and reading other folk's blogs. Finally I made up my mind. I too would participate in the wonderful world of blogging and become a blogger.

So with that long-winded dissertion out of the way allow me to give a brief insight to what one can expect from me when they take time out of their busy day to read my blog. I will be dealing with issues of taking the Word of GOD and applying it to our daily lives. I want to deal with issues that are whispered about in the church and give a loud voice to them. This forum will not be one that bashes any religion, denominations or preachers. I will simply give my opinions to issues that I have dealt with over my 40+ years of life as well as living a life centered on spiritual values, beliefs and standards that may have grown over the years but, they always remained rooted and grounded in one fundamental belief and that is simply that, "In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth."

If a person has a problem with that then every word that follows it probably doesn't make much sense. I hope that anyone that takes the time to read my future blogs can be inspired, helped and is given food for thought that will feed the brain and spirit with power and impact that will ultimately lead to transformation of the mind, body, soul and life.

As I sign off may the GOOD LORD keep you in HIS grace, shower you with HIS mercy and bless you with HIS everlasting love!

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