Monday, June 7, 2010

Ramblings of a middle aged mind.

The great Stevie Wonder recorded a song entitled: "For Once In My Life." Over the years many performers have done their version of the song, but no one sings it with such passion and depth as Stevie. It's truly as if he was living the lyrics as he recorded the song.

For once in my life I have someone who needs me. Can I get a witness? Everybody (even those that claim otherwise) seek, long and desire to have that special someone in our lives that needs us and appreciates us for being in their lives. When you are blessed with that special someone, don't forget to let them know how much you appreciate them. Do something different for them. If you normally don't send your lady love flowers, do it. And for you ladies, men like gifts too.

For once I can touch what my heart used to dream of. What does your heart dream of? Are you touching it? Don't allow past disappointments or results stop you from going after that forgotten or laid aside dream. Go for it! You never know where life will led you as long as you keep living.

For once, I can say, this is mine, you can't take it. No one has control over you. You are not a puppet on a string. What God has for you is for you and nobody can stop you or take possession of what He has deemed to be yours. Don't allow an unseen enemy steal your joy. It's your life...claim it...own it!

For once in my life. It doesn't have to be only one time. However it does start with the first time. Make it happen! Whatever it is for you... make it happen!

For once in your life.

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