Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Choices: The birthright of life

No matter how much you succeed in life or who you are, you can still fall prey to temptation, lust, greed, and have your faith and beliefs shaken ­— if not completely stirred.  But before the final chapter is written, keep in mind that you possess free will to make your own choices.  In facing the reflected truth as you gaze in the mirror of self-revelations, you must admit that no one can make you do anything you don’t really wish to do, especially if you have the faith in yourself to persevere in even the most arduous endeavors you face.

In today’s society just about anyone can become famous or infamous within the flash of a camera.  Then quickly they become our idols and celebrities that embody the perfect lives that one can only dream about.  Strangely, when one of the elite makes a mistake, a sadistic glee rears up once the disappointment of feeling betrayed passes.  Often the supposition may be that somehow the fall of the mighty in some ways lifts us up.  Truth be told, it absolutely doesn’t.  It simply illustrates that elevation of our souls is within each of us and it begins with our process of making choices.

Choices are inextricably packaged with a person’s beliefs, paradigms, behaviors, and the ability to deal with the consequences of one’s action.  There exists within everyone an innate ability to make their own choices.  But with choice, there is also a measure of both accountability and responsibility.  Too often when one is faced with an unfavorable result (failure), there becomes a tendency to mask the result in excuses, rationalizations, or explanations rather than admit that it was an unwise choice that may have caused the end result.

Ironically the same mediums that elevate folk to celebrity status normally depict a storyline where adversity reveals the building of character.  In actuality, adversity doesn’t build character it reveals it. Character isn’t determined by how one conducts themselves when the choices are easy and comfortable, but rather how one conducts themselves when life is tough.

The mental process of thinking to determine a selection of multiple alternatives is one definition of choice.  While the media may showcase the flawed choices of the famous and others, instead of passing judgment and ganging up on those that fall due to unwise choices, it would be better served to learn a lesson that can be applied to one’s life.

In making those applications, ask yourself “How do I make choices in my life?”  Five simple steps may assist you:   
  1. Think it out. Ask the right questions. Is this the right thing to do? How will this affect me and others? Why am I doing this?
  2. Take ownership and be willing to deal with the consequences.  
  3. Accept responsibility for your actions.  
  4. Be accountable for your actions.
  5. Be honest with yourself.
The more you practice these five simple steps, the better you can become in making rational, intelligent choices that lead you forward—not standing in place, going backwards, or living a life full of regrets.  Give it a shot.  It’s your choice and it is a birthright.

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