Monday, January 9, 2012

From my heart to yours.

Let your light shine this year! Let your spirit run free!
Take the time to stand at the water’s edge and look out over the vastness and
the seemingly endless view and shout to the heavens, “As far as the eye can see
and beyond there exist endless possibilities and they start with my choices.”

Feel it, believe it, have faith and most
it! Yes, we are living in uncertain times, but if you review history, times
always appear to be uncertain in some form or fashion. That’s why I’m a big
proponent of living life until the end. I’ve become known for saying, “You
never know where life will take you, so just keep living.”

Where are you headed in your life this newly christened
year? Are you going go back to school? How about changing careers? Really
increase your exercise to help decrease your mid-section? Have better control
of your finances? Remove yourself from that unhealthy relationship? Or stop
overindulging in the liquid spirits or stop using street and prescribed drugs
as a way of coping with life’s challenges? I could go on and on.

It all starts with your choices. If you can (and I encourage
you to try) don’t complicate issues. Keep it simple. Simply give yourself permission
to live. Then do it! Take action where needed and attempt to remove, replace
and do away with as much self-inflicted negativity as possible.

I was privileged to meet an older wiser man named Henry
Walker during a down period of my life. The gentleman was a resident of a
nursing home. In my role as a volunteer, it was our responsibility to visit
certain institutions and report on findings of poor care, neglect, etc. One day
Mr. Walker asked me to read a letter to him he’d received from his daughter.
While we were interacting, he commented that I wasn’t my normal outgoing and
chipper self. That led to us having a conversation. During the talk I noticed
that Mr. Walker never stopped smiling. Then again over a two year period I had
the blessing of knowing him, I can’t remember him not having a smile on his
lips and a shine in his watery eyes. I can’t tell you how much his words meant
to me and how often I’ve put into action the advice he shared with me that day.
Little did I know that as he spoke to me and made it a point to lift me up, he
was actually dying. Even in what I considered—a dark hour—this man still took
the time to speak life into me. Mr. Walker died thirty minutes after I left his
room. I’m told that he died with a smile on his face.

When I met his daughter she told me that her father had a
tremendous passion for life and a great compassion for people. She said, “No
matter what, my Dad could always find the silver lining in the darkest of
clouds. He truly believed that each day was a new beginning.”

As I was leaving his room that day he spoke words that I
repeat and live by till this day, “You never know where life will take you, so
just keep living.”

I pray that contained in the above words there is food for
thought and nourishment for the soul.

Happy living in this New Year!

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